Unpacking grocery stokvel shopping.
CLIENT: A large FMCG distributor wanted to understand the potential Stokvels represented to them. | CHALLENGE: For this project the client had a particularly constrained budget and tight timelines and so we needed to work within these parameters. |
APPROACH: Qualitative and quantitative (with lots of probes) telephonic interviews.
We recruited 17 grocery stokvel treasurers/chairs via Facebook marketing for interviews conducted in English and isiXhosa. Interviews included both quantitative questions and a large number of structured open-ended questions designed to elicit understanding. Respondents were paid an incentive using instant money.

The client provided contact details for us to arrange 3 in-depth telephonic interviews with wholesale store managers. This enabled us to get the perspective of stores on the importance of this customer segment and how they are treated differently to typical consumers.

- We were able to produce a detailed map of the shopping journey that stokvels followed and how it was different to normal consumers.
- This was overlaid with the store perspective.
- As this was a small survey the results provided a path for the client to investigate developing a stokvel offer as well as consideration of some of the implications of the findings.